
Tuesday, 16 October 2012

User Hierarchy Module For SugarCRM 6.5

Let's build User Hierarchy Module for SugarCRM  Version 6.* :

Step 1) Download Zucker_Hierarchy_module_1.1

Step 2) Edit manifest.php and update the acceptable version:

'acceptable_sugar_versions'=>array("regex_matches" => array("6.5.*")), 
Refer a Link  and do the changes as demonstrated in manifest.php.

Step 3) Replace all database instance From $db = &PearDatabase::getInstance();to $db = & DBManagerFactory::getInstance();

Step 4) User-Hierarchy menu not displayed properly on admin page ,So we need to add the ['Administration'] level to an array in the /custom/administration.php file. The entire file will look like this:
PHP Code:
<?php // User hierarchy menu foreach ($admin_group_header as $i => $group) {
    if (
$group[0] == 'LBL_USERS_TITLE') {
$admin_group_header[$i][3]['Administration']['user_hierarchy'] = array(
$image_path 'Users',
Step 5) To set permission to user ,Branch vise edit List-view page and paste below code in file: \include\ListView\ListViewData.php at line no. 300. 

// [begin: UserHierarchy]
global $current_user;
if($current_user->user_name!='superuser') {
if (class_exists('UserHierarchy')) {
$ret_array = UserHierarchy::query_array_with_hierarchy_filter($ret_array);
} else {
//do nothing

} else {
if (class_exists('UserHierarchy')) {
$ret_array = UserHierarchy::query_array_with_hierarchy_filter($ret_array);
// [end: UserHierarchy]

I think that's it. Hope that helps a bit.